Finnischer Pfannkuchen – finnish pancake

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This is one of the most incredible items you can eat on a fine Sunday morning.
And the beauty is – one pancake serves 4 -6 people – no endless pancake flpping in the hot kitchen. You can spend some time with your guests and have a mimosa…
It is super easy to make and looks impressive. Don’t worry if it puffs up at first and then deflates again (at least a little) when it comes out of the oven. It rises above the rim of my pan (a 10 inch cast iron) and then falls to about rim height when done.
Serve it with a bowl of various seasonal fruit and fresh-squeezed orange juice (or store bought if you want to go easy on yourself…) with, optionally, a splash of champagne.


serves 4 -6 people, vegetarian

(warum ist dieser Beitrag in Englisch?  Und hier die Umrechnungshilfen)

3    large eggs (or 4 medium)
2    cups milk
1/4    cup honey
3/4    cup flour
1/4    teaspoon salt
4    tablespoons butter

Beat eggs and milk together.  Beat in honey, then flour and salt.  Melt the butter in a 9-inch iron frying pan until it sizzles, and immediately pour the batter into the hot pan in a circle around the center so that the butter will be pushed to the top and sides.


Bake in a preheated oven at 425° F for 30 to 35 minutes or until the pancake is set and puffed and golden brown on top.  Serve with maple syrup (the real kind) and a bowl of fresh fruit in season.


If you want to serve more people, bake another pancake rather than making a larger one – this way everyone will get some of the coveted crusty edges.


2 Kommentare

  1. Der sieht richtig gut aus!
    So habe ich Pfannkuchen auch noch nicht gemacht.
    Erinnnert mich auf dem Bild ein bisschen an Soufflé!
    Danke für das Rezept!

    • Doro Burke

      Ja es ist eine Art Soufflé – ein Frühstückssoufflé, wenn man so will. Auch das leichte zusammenfallen nach dem Backen hat etwas soufflé-haftes, zum Glück gehts beim Frühstück entspannt zu.

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